Module jdk.compiler

Interface ClassTree

All Superinterfaces:
StatementTree, Tree

public interface ClassTree
extends StatementTree
A tree node for a class, interface, enum, record, or annotation type declaration. For example:
   modifiers class simpleName typeParameters
       extends extendsClause
       implements implementsClause
See Java Language Specification:
8.1 Class Declarations
8.9 Enum Types
8.10 Record Types
9.1 Interface Declarations
9.6 Annotation Types
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces declared in interface com.sun.source.tree.Tree

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    Tree getExtendsClause()
    Returns the supertype of this type declaration, or null if none is provided.
    List<? extends Tree> getImplementsClause()
    Returns the interfaces implemented by this type declaration.
    List<? extends Tree> getMembers()
    Returns the members declared in this type declaration.
    ModifiersTree getModifiers()
    Returns the modifiers, including any annotations, for this type declaration.
    default List<? extends Tree> getPermitsClause()
    Associated with sealed classes, a preview feature of the Java language.

    Returns the subclasses permitted by this type declaration.
    Name getSimpleName()
    Returns the simple name of this type declaration.
    List<? extends TypeParameterTree> getTypeParameters()
    Returns any type parameters of this type declaration.

    Methods declared in interface com.sun.source.tree.Tree

    accept, getKind
  • Method Details

    • getModifiers

      ModifiersTree getModifiers()
      Returns the modifiers, including any annotations, for this type declaration.
      the modifiers
    • getSimpleName

      Name getSimpleName()
      Returns the simple name of this type declaration.
      the simple name
    • getTypeParameters

      List<? extends TypeParameterTree> getTypeParameters()
      Returns any type parameters of this type declaration.
      the type parameters
    • getExtendsClause

      Tree getExtendsClause()
      Returns the supertype of this type declaration, or null if none is provided.
      the supertype
    • getImplementsClause

      List<? extends Tree> getImplementsClause()
      Returns the interfaces implemented by this type declaration.
      the interfaces
    • getPermitsClause

      default List<? extends Tree> getPermitsClause()
      This method is associated with sealed classes, a preview feature of the Java language. Preview features may be removed in a future release, or upgraded to permanent features of the Java language.

      Returns the subclasses permitted by this type declaration.
      Implementation Requirements:
      this implementation returns an empty list
      the subclasses
    • getMembers

      List<? extends Tree> getMembers()
      Returns the members declared in this type declaration.
      the members