Uses of Interface

Packages that use Mirror
Package Description
This is the core package of the Java Debug Interface (JDI), it defines mirrors for values, types, and the target VirtualMachine itself - as well bootstrapping facilities.
This package defines JDI events and event processing.
This package is used to request that a JDI event be sent under specified conditions.
  • Uses of Mirror in com.sun.jdi

    Subinterfaces of Mirror in com.sun.jdi
    Modifier and Type Interface Description
    interface  ArrayReference
    Provides access to an array object and its components in the target VM.
    interface  ArrayType
    Provides access to the class of an array and the type of its components in the target VM.
    interface  BooleanType
    The type of all primitive boolean values accessed in the target VM.
    interface  BooleanValue
    Provides access to a primitive boolean value in the target VM.
    interface  ByteType
    The type of all primitive byte values accessed in the target VM.
    interface  ByteValue
    Provides access to a primitive byte value in the target VM.
    interface  CharType
    The type of all primitive char values accessed in the target VM.
    interface  CharValue
    Provides access to a primitive char value in the target VM.
    interface  ClassLoaderReference
    A class loader object from the target VM.
    interface  ClassObjectReference
    An instance of java.lang.Class from the target VM.
    interface  ClassType
    A mirror of a class in the target VM.
    interface  DoubleType
    The type of all primitive double values accessed in the target VM.
    interface  DoubleValue
    Provides access to a primitive double value in the target VM.
    interface  Field
    A class or instance variable in the target VM.
    interface  FloatType
    The type of all primitive float values accessed in the target VM.
    interface  FloatValue
    Provides access to a primitive float value in the target VM.
    interface  IntegerType
    The type of all primitive int values accessed in the target VM.
    interface  IntegerValue
    Provides access to a primitive int value in the target VM.
    interface  InterfaceType
    A mirror of an interface in the target VM.
    interface  LocalVariable
    A local variable in the target VM.
    interface  Location
    A point within the executing code of the target VM.
    interface  LongType
    The type of all primitive long values accessed in the target VM.
    interface  LongValue
    Provides access to a primitive long value in the target VM.
    interface  Method
    A static or instance method in the target VM.
    interface  ModuleReference
    A module in the target VM.
    interface  MonitorInfo
    Information about a monitor owned by a thread.
    interface  ObjectReference
    An object that currently exists in the target VM.
    interface  PathSearchingVirtualMachine
    A virtual machine which searches for classes through paths
    interface  PrimitiveType
    The type associated with non-object values in a target VM.
    interface  PrimitiveValue
    The value assigned to a field or variable of primitive type in a target VM.
    interface  ReferenceType
    The type of an object in a target VM.
    interface  ShortType
    The type of all primitive short values accessed in the target VM.
    interface  ShortValue
    Provides access to a primitive short value in the target VM.
    interface  StackFrame
    The state of one method invocation on a thread's call stack.
    interface  StringReference
    A string object from the target VM.
    interface  ThreadGroupReference
    A thread group object from the target VM.
    interface  ThreadReference
    A thread object from the target VM.
    interface  Type
    The mirror for a type in the target VM.
    interface  TypeComponent
    An entity declared within a user defined type (class or interface).
    interface  Value
    The mirror for a value in the target VM.
    interface  VirtualMachine
    A virtual machine targeted for debugging.
    interface  VoidType
    The type of all primitive void values accessed in the target VM.
    interface  VoidValue
    Provides access to a primitive void value in the target VM.
  • Uses of Mirror in com.sun.jdi.event

    Subinterfaces of Mirror in com.sun.jdi.event
    Modifier and Type Interface Description
    interface  AccessWatchpointEvent
    Notification of a field access in the target VM.
    interface  BreakpointEvent
    Notification of a breakpoint in the target VM.
    interface  ClassPrepareEvent
    Notification of a class prepare in the target VM.
    interface  ClassUnloadEvent
    Notification of a class unload in the target VM.
    interface  Event
    An occurrence in a target VM that is of interest to a debugger.
    interface  EventQueue
    Manager of incoming debugger events for a target VM.
    interface  EventSet
    Several Event objects may be created at a given time by the target VirtualMachine.
    interface  ExceptionEvent
    Notification of an exception in the target VM.
    interface  LocatableEvent
    Abstract superinterface of events which have both location and thread.
    interface  MethodEntryEvent
    Notification of a method invocation in the target VM.
    interface  MethodExitEvent
    Notification of a method return in the target VM.
    interface  ModificationWatchpointEvent
    Notification of a field modification in the target VM.
    interface  MonitorContendedEnteredEvent
    Notification that a thread in the target VM is entering a monitor after waiting for it to be released by another thread.
    interface  MonitorContendedEnterEvent
    Notification that a thread in the target VM is attempting to enter a monitor that is already acquired by another thread.
    interface  MonitorWaitedEvent
    Notification that a thread in the target VM has finished waiting on an monitor object.
    interface  MonitorWaitEvent
    Notification that a thread in the target VM is about to wait on a monitor object.
    interface  StepEvent
    Notification of step completion in the target VM.
    interface  ThreadDeathEvent
    Notification of a completed thread in the target VM.
    interface  ThreadStartEvent
    Notification of a new running thread in the target VM.
    interface  VMDeathEvent
    Notification of target VM termination.
    interface  VMDisconnectEvent
    Notification of disconnection from target VM.
    interface  VMStartEvent
    Notification of initialization of a target VM.
    interface  WatchpointEvent
    Notification of a field triggered event encountered by a thread in the target VM.
  • Uses of Mirror in com.sun.jdi.request

    Subinterfaces of Mirror in com.sun.jdi.request
    Modifier and Type Interface Description
    interface  AccessWatchpointRequest
    Request for notification when the contents of a field are accessed in the target VM.
    interface  BreakpointRequest
    Identifies a Location in the target VM at which execution should be stopped.
    interface  ClassPrepareRequest
    Request for notification when a class is prepared in the target VM.
    interface  ClassUnloadRequest
    Request for notification when a class is unloaded in the target VM.
    interface  EventRequest
    Represents a request for notification of an event.
    interface  EventRequestManager
    Manages the creation and deletion of EventRequests.
    interface  ExceptionRequest
    Request for notification when an exception occurs in the target VM.
    interface  MethodEntryRequest
    Request for notification when a method is invoked in the target VM.
    interface  MethodExitRequest
    Request for notification when a method returns in the target VM.
    interface  ModificationWatchpointRequest
    Request for notification when a field is set.
    interface  MonitorContendedEnteredRequest
    Request for notification of a thread in the target VM entering a monitor after waiting for it to be released by another thread.
    interface  MonitorContendedEnterRequest
    Request for notification of a thread in the target VM attempting to enter a monitor already acquired by another thread.
    interface  MonitorWaitedRequest
    Request for notification when a thread in the target VM has finished waiting on a monitor object.
    interface  MonitorWaitRequest
    Request for notification when a thread in the target VM is about to wait on a monitor object.
    interface  StepRequest
    Request for notification when a step occurs in the target VM.
    interface  ThreadDeathRequest
    Request for notification when a thread terminates in the target VM.
    interface  ThreadStartRequest
    Request for notification when a thread starts execution in the target VM.
    interface  VMDeathRequest
    Request for notification when the target VM terminates.
    interface  WatchpointRequest
    Identifies a Field in the target VM being watched.