Uses of Interface

Packages that use Tree
Package Description
Provides interfaces to represent source code as abstract syntax trees (AST).
Provides utilities for operations on abstract syntax trees (AST).
  • Uses of Tree in com.sun.source.tree

    Subinterfaces of Tree in com.sun.source.tree
    Modifier and Type Interface Description
    interface  AnnotatedTypeTree
    A tree node for an annotated type.
    interface  AnnotationTree
    A tree node for an annotation.
    interface  ArrayAccessTree
    A tree node for an array access expression.
    interface  ArrayTypeTree
    A tree node for an array type.
    interface  AssertTree
    A tree node for an assert statement.
    interface  AssignmentTree
    A tree node for an assignment expression.
    interface  BinaryTree
    A tree node for a binary expression.
    interface  BindingPatternTree
    Associated with pattern matching for instanceof, a preview feature of the Java language.

    A binding pattern tree
    interface  BlockTree
    A tree node for a statement block.
    interface  BreakTree
    A tree node for a break statement.
    interface  CaseTree
    A tree node for a case in a switch statement or expression.
    interface  CatchTree
    A tree node for a catch block in a try statement.
    interface  ClassTree
    A tree node for a class, interface, enum, record, or annotation type declaration.
    interface  CompilationUnitTree
    Represents the abstract syntax tree for compilation units (source files) and package declarations (
    interface  CompoundAssignmentTree
    A tree node for compound assignment operator.
    interface  ConditionalExpressionTree
    A tree node for the conditional operator ?
    interface  ContinueTree
    A tree node for a continue statement.
    interface  DirectiveTree
    A super-type for all the directives in a ModuleTree.
    interface  DoWhileLoopTree
    A tree node for a do statement.
    interface  EmptyStatementTree
    A tree node for an empty (skip) statement.
    interface  EnhancedForLoopTree
    A tree node for an "enhanced" for loop statement.
    interface  ErroneousTree
    A tree node to stand in for a malformed expression.
    interface  ExportsTree
    A tree node for an 'exports' directive in a module declaration.
    interface  ExpressionStatementTree
    A tree node for an expression statement.
    interface  ExpressionTree
    A tree node used as the base class for the different types of expressions.
    interface  ForLoopTree
    A tree node for a basic for loop statement.
    interface  IdentifierTree
    A tree node for an identifier expression.
    interface  IfTree
    A tree node for an if statement.
    interface  ImportTree
    A tree node for an import declaration.
    interface  InstanceOfTree
    A tree node for an instanceof expression.
    interface  IntersectionTypeTree
    A tree node for an intersection type in a cast expression.
    interface  LabeledStatementTree
    A tree node for a labeled statement.
    interface  LambdaExpressionTree
    A tree node for a lambda expression.
    interface  LiteralTree
    A tree node for a literal expression.
    interface  MemberReferenceTree
    A tree node for a member reference expression.
    interface  MemberSelectTree
    A tree node for a member access expression.
    interface  MethodInvocationTree
    A tree node for a method invocation expression.
    interface  MethodTree
    A tree node for a method or annotation type element declaration.
    interface  ModifiersTree
    A tree node for the modifiers, including annotations, for a declaration.
    interface  ModuleTree
    A tree node for a module declaration.
    interface  NewArrayTree
    A tree node for an expression to create a new instance of an array.
    interface  NewClassTree
    A tree node to declare a new instance of a class.
    interface  OpensTree
    A tree node for an 'opens' directive in a module declaration.
    interface  PackageTree
    Represents the package declaration.
    interface  ParameterizedTypeTree
    A tree node for a type expression involving type parameters.
    interface  ParenthesizedTree
    A tree node for a parenthesized expression.
    interface  PatternTree
    Associated with pattern matching for instanceof, a preview feature of the Java language.

    A tree node used as the base class for the different kinds of statements.
    interface  PrimitiveTypeTree
    A tree node for a primitive type.
    interface  ProvidesTree
    A tree node for a 'provides' directive in a module declaration.
    interface  RequiresTree
    A tree node for a 'requires' directive in a module declaration.
    interface  ReturnTree
    A tree node for a return statement.
    interface  StatementTree
    A tree node used as the base class for the different kinds of statements.
    interface  SwitchExpressionTree
    A tree node for a switch expression.
    interface  SwitchTree
    A tree node for a switch statement.
    interface  SynchronizedTree
    A tree node for a synchronized statement.
    interface  ThrowTree
    A tree node for a throw statement.
    interface  TryTree
    A tree node for a try statement.
    interface  TypeCastTree
    A tree node for a type cast expression.
    interface  TypeParameterTree
    A tree node for a type parameter.
    interface  UnaryTree
    A tree node for postfix and unary expressions.
    interface  UnionTypeTree
    A tree node for a union type expression in a multicatch variable declaration.
    interface  UsesTree
    A tree node for a 'uses' directive in a module declaration.
    interface  VariableTree
    A tree node for a variable declaration.
    interface  WhileLoopTree
    A tree node for a while loop statement.
    interface  WildcardTree
    A tree node for a wildcard type argument.
    interface  YieldTree
    A tree node for a yield statement.
    Methods in com.sun.source.tree that return Tree
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    Tree AnnotationTree.getAnnotationType()
    Returns the annotation type.
    default Tree CaseTree.getBody()
    For case with kind CaseTree.CaseKind.RULE, returns the statement or expression after the arrow.
    Tree LambdaExpressionTree.getBody()
    Returns the body of the lambda expression.
    Tree WildcardTree.getBound()
    Returns the bound of the wildcard.
    Tree MethodTree.getDefaultValue()
    Returns the default value, if this is an element within an annotation type declaration.
    Tree ClassTree.getExtendsClause()
    Returns the supertype of this type declaration, or null if none is provided.
    Tree ImportTree.getQualifiedIdentifier()
    Returns the qualified identifier for the declaration(s) being imported.
    Tree MethodTree.getReturnType()
    Returns the return type of the method being declared.
    Tree ArrayTypeTree.getType()
    Returns the element type of this array type.
    Tree BindingPatternTree.getType()
    Returns the type of the bind variable.
    Tree InstanceOfTree.getType()
    Returns the type for which to check.
    Tree NewArrayTree.getType()
    Returns the base type of the expression.
    Tree ParameterizedTypeTree.getType()
    Returns the base type.
    Tree TypeCastTree.getType()
    Returns the target type of the cast.
    Tree VariableTree.getType()
    Returns the type of the variable being declared.
    Methods in com.sun.source.tree that return types with arguments of type Tree
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    Class<? extends Tree> Tree.Kind.asInterface()
    Returns the associated interface type that uses this kind.
    List<? extends Tree> IntersectionTypeTree.getBounds()
    Returns the bounds of the type.
    List<? extends Tree> TypeParameterTree.getBounds()
    Returns the bounds of the type parameter.
    List<? extends Tree> ErroneousTree.getErrorTrees()
    Returns any trees that were saved in this node.
    List<? extends Tree> ClassTree.getImplementsClause()
    Returns the interfaces implemented by this type declaration.
    List<? extends Tree> ClassTree.getMembers()
    Returns the members declared in this type declaration.
    default List<? extends Tree> ClassTree.getPermitsClause()
    Associated with sealed classes, a preview feature of the Java language.

    Returns the subclasses permitted by this type declaration.
    List<? extends Tree> TryTree.getResources()
    Returns any resource declarations provided in the try statement.
    List<? extends Tree> UnionTypeTree.getTypeAlternatives()
    Returns the alternative type expressions.
    List<? extends Tree> MethodInvocationTree.getTypeArguments()
    Returns the type arguments for this method invocation.
    List<? extends Tree> NewClassTree.getTypeArguments()
    Returns the type arguments for the object being created.
    List<? extends Tree> ParameterizedTypeTree.getTypeArguments()
    Returns the type arguments.
    List<? extends Tree> CompilationUnitTree.getTypeDecls()
    Returns the type declarations appearing in this compilation unit.
    Methods in com.sun.source.tree with parameters of type Tree
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    R TreeVisitor.visitOther​(Tree node, P p)
    Visits an unknown type of Tree node.
  • Uses of Tree in com.sun.source.util

    Methods in com.sun.source.util that return Tree
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    Tree TreePath.getLeaf()
    Returns the leaf node for this path.
    abstract Tree Trees.getTree​(Element element)
    Returns the Tree node for a given Element.
    abstract Tree Trees.getTree​(Element e, AnnotationMirror a)
    Returns the Tree node for an AnnotationMirror on a given Element.
    abstract Tree Trees.getTree​(Element e, AnnotationMirror a, AnnotationValue v)
    Returns the Tree node for an AnnotationValue for an AnnotationMirror on a given Element.
    Methods in com.sun.source.util that return types with arguments of type Tree
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    Iterator<Tree> TreePath.iterator()
    Iterates from leaves to root.
    Methods in com.sun.source.util with parameters of type Tree
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    protected R SimpleTreeVisitor.defaultAction​(Tree node, P p)
    The default action, used by all visit methods that are not overridden.
    long SourcePositions.getEndPosition​(CompilationUnitTree file, Tree tree)
    Returns the ending position of tree within file.
    static TreePath TreePath.getPath​(CompilationUnitTree unit, Tree target)
    Returns a tree path for a tree node within a compilation unit, or null if the node is not found.
    static TreePath TreePath.getPath​(TreePath path, Tree target)
    Returns a tree path for a tree node within a subtree identified by a TreePath object.
    abstract TreePath Trees.getPath​(CompilationUnitTree unit, Tree node)
    Returns the path to tree node within the specified compilation unit.
    long SourcePositions.getStartPosition​(CompilationUnitTree file, Tree tree)
    Returns the starting position of tree within file.
    abstract void Trees.printMessage​(Diagnostic.Kind kind, CharSequence msg, Tree t, CompilationUnitTree root)
    Prints a message of the specified kind at the location of the tree within the provided compilation unit
    R TreePathScanner.scan​(Tree tree, P p)
    Scans a single node.
    R TreeScanner.scan​(Tree tree, P p)
    Scans a single node.
    R SimpleTreeVisitor.visit​(Tree node, P p)
    Invokes the appropriate visit method specific to the type of the node.
    R SimpleTreeVisitor.visitOther​(Tree node, P p)
    Visits an unknown type of Tree node.
    R TreeScanner.visitOther​(Tree node, P p)
    Visits an unknown type of Tree node.
    Method parameters in com.sun.source.util with type arguments of type Tree
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    abstract TypeMirror JavacTask.getTypeMirror​(Iterable<? extends Tree> path)
    Returns a type mirror of the tree node determined by the specified path.
    R TreeScanner.scan​(Iterable<? extends Tree> nodes, P p)
    Scans a sequence of nodes.
    R SimpleTreeVisitor.visit​(Iterable<? extends Tree> nodes, P p)
    Invokes the appropriate visit method on each of a sequence of nodes.
    Constructors in com.sun.source.util with parameters of type Tree
    Constructor Description
    TreePath​(TreePath path, Tree tree)
    Creates a TreePath for a child node.