Module jdk.jfr

Class RecordedObject

Direct Known Subclasses:
RecordedClass, RecordedClassLoader, RecordedEvent, RecordedFrame, RecordedMethod, RecordedStackTrace, RecordedThread, RecordedThreadGroup

public class RecordedObject
extends Object
A complex data type that consists of one or more fields.

This class provides methods to select and query nested objects by passing a dot "." delimited String object (for instance, "aaa.bbb"). A method evaluates a nested object from left to right, and if a part is null, it throws NullPointerException.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    boolean getBoolean​(String name)
    Returns the value of a field of type boolean.
    byte getByte​(String name)
    Returns the value of a field of type byte.
    char getChar​(String name)
    Returns the value of a field of type char.
    RecordedClass getClass​(String name)
    Returns the value of a field of type Class.
    double getDouble​(String name)
    Returns the value of a field of type double or of another primitive type that is convertible to type double by a widening conversion.
    Duration getDuration​(String name)
    Returns the value of a timespan field.
    List<ValueDescriptor> getFields()
    Returns an immutable list of the fields for this object.
    float getFloat​(String name)
    Returns the value of a field of type float or of another primitive type convertible to type float by a widening conversion.
    Instant getInstant​(String name)
    Returns the value of a timestamp field.
    int getInt​(String name)
    Returns the value of a field of type int or of another primitive type that is convertible to type int by a widening conversion.
    long getLong​(String name)
    Returns the value of a field of type long or of another primitive type that is convertible to type long by a widening conversion.
    short getShort​(String name)
    Returns the value of a field of type short or of another primitive type convertible to type short by a widening conversion.
    String getString​(String name)
    Returns the value of a field of type String.
    RecordedThread getThread​(String name)
    Returns the value of a field of type Thread.
    <T> T getValue​(String name)
    Returns the value of the field with the given name.
    boolean hasField​(String name)
    Returns true if a field with the given name exists, false otherwise.
    protected Object objectAt​(int index)  
    String toString()
    Returns a textual representation of this object.

    Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • hasField

      public boolean hasField​(String name)
      Returns true if a field with the given name exists, false otherwise.
      name - name of the field to get, not null
      true if the field exists, false otherwise
      See Also:
    • getValue

      public final <T> T getValue​(String name)
      Returns the value of the field with the given name.

      The return type may be a primitive type or a subclass of RecordedObject.

      It's possible to index into a nested object by using "." (for instance "").

      A field might change or be removed in a future JDK release. A best practice for callers of this method is to validate the field before attempting access.


       if (event.hasField("intValue")) {
         int intValue = event.getValue("intValue");
         System.out.println("Int value: " + intValue);
       if (event.hasField("objectClass")) {
         RecordedClass clazz = event.getValue("objectClass");
         System.out.println("Class name: " + clazz.getName());
       if (event.hasField("sampledThread")) {
         RecordedThread sampledThread = event.getValue("sampledThread");
         System.out.println("Sampled thread: " + sampledThread.getJavaName());
      Type Parameters:
      T - the return type
      name - of the field to get, not null
      the value, can be null
      IllegalArgumentException - if no field called name exists
      See Also:
    • objectAt

      protected Object objectAt​(int index)
    • getFields

      public List<ValueDescriptor> getFields()
      Returns an immutable list of the fields for this object.
      the fields, not null
    • getBoolean

      public final boolean getBoolean​(String name)
      Returns the value of a field of type boolean.

      It's possible to index into a nested object using "." (for example, "aaa.bbb").

      A field might change or be removed in a future JDK release. A best practice for callers of this method is to validate the field before attempting access.

      name - name of the field to get, not null
      the value of the field, true or false
      IllegalArgumentException - if the field doesn't exist, or the field is not of type boolean
      See Also:
      hasField(String), getValue(String)
    • getByte

      public final byte getByte​(String name)
      Returns the value of a field of type byte.

      It's possible to index into a nested object using "." (for example, "").

      A field might change or be removed in a future JDK release. A best practice for callers of this method is to validate the field before attempting access.

      name - of the field to get, not null
      the value of the field
      IllegalArgumentException - if the field doesn't exist, or the field is not of type byte
      See Also:
      hasField(String), getValue(String)
    • getChar

      public final char getChar​(String name)
      Returns the value of a field of type char.

      It's possible to index into a nested object using "." (for example, "aaa.bbb").

      A field might change or be removed in a future JDK release. A best practice for callers of this method is to validate the field before attempting access.

      name - of the field to get, not null
      the value of the field as a char
      IllegalArgumentException - if the field doesn't exist, or the field is not of type char
      See Also:
      hasField(String), getValue(String)
    • getShort

      public final short getShort​(String name)
      Returns the value of a field of type short or of another primitive type convertible to type short by a widening conversion.

      This method can be used on the following types: short and byte.

      If the field has the @Unsigned annotation and is of a narrower type than short, then the value is returned as an unsigned.

      It's possible to index into a nested object using "." (for example, "aaa.bbb").

      A field might change or be removed in a future JDK release. A best practice for callers of this method is to validate the field before attempting access.

      name - of the field to get, not null
      the value of the field converted to type short
      IllegalArgumentException - if the field doesn't exist, or the field value can't be converted to the type short by a widening conversion
      See Also:
      hasField(String), getValue(String)
    • getInt

      public final int getInt​(String name)
      Returns the value of a field of type int or of another primitive type that is convertible to type int by a widening conversion.

      This method can be used on fields of the following types: int, short, char, and byte.

      If the field has the @Unsigned annotation and is of a narrower type than int, then the value will be returned as an unsigned.

      It's possible to index into a nested object using "." (for example, "aaa.bbb").

      A field might change or be removed in a future JDK release. A best practice for callers of this method is to validate the field before attempting access.

      name - of the field to get, not null
      the value of the field converted to type int
      IllegalArgumentException - if the field doesn't exist, or the field value can't be converted to the type int by a widening conversion
      See Also:
      hasField(String), getValue(String)
    • getFloat

      public final float getFloat​(String name)
      Returns the value of a field of type float or of another primitive type convertible to type float by a widening conversion.

      This method can be used on fields of the following types: float, long, int, short, char, and byte.

      It's possible to index into a nested object using "." (for example, "aaa.bbb").

      A field might change or be removed in a future JDK release. A best practice for callers of this method is to validate the field before attempting access.

      name - of the field to get, not null
      the value of the field converted to type float
      IllegalArgumentException - if the field doesn't exist, or the field value can't be converted to the type float by a widening conversion
      See Also:
      hasField(String), getValue(String)
    • getLong

      public final long getLong​(String name)
      Returns the value of a field of type long or of another primitive type that is convertible to type long by a widening conversion.

      This method can be used on fields of the following types: long, int, short, char, and byte.

      If the field has the @Unsigned annotation and is of a narrower type than long, then the value will be returned as an unsigned.

      It's possible to index into a nested object using "." (for example, "aaa.bbb").

      A field might change or be removed in a future JDK release. A best practice for callers of this method is to validate the field before attempting access.

      name - of the field to get, not null
      the value of the field converted to type long
      IllegalArgumentException - if the field doesn't exist, or the field value can't be converted to the type long via a widening conversion
      See Also:
      hasField(String), getValue(String)
    • getDouble

      public final double getDouble​(String name)
      Returns the value of a field of type double or of another primitive type that is convertible to type double by a widening conversion.

      This method can be used on fields of the following types: double, float, long, int, short, char, and byte.

      It's possible to index into a nested object using "." (for example, "aaa.bbb").

      A field might change or be removed in a future JDK release. A best practice for callers of this method is to validate the field before attempting access.

      name - of the field to get, not null
      the value of the field converted to type double
      IllegalArgumentException - if the field doesn't exist, or the field value can't be converted to the type double by a widening conversion
      See Also:
      hasField(String), getValue(String)
    • getString

      public final String getString​(String name)
      Returns the value of a field of type String.

      It's possible to index into a nested object using "." (for example, "").

      A field might change or be removed in a future JDK release. A best practice for callers of this method is to validate the field before attempting access.

      name - of the field to get, not null
      the value of the field as a String, can be null
      IllegalArgumentException - if the field doesn't exist, or the field isn't of type String
      See Also:
      hasField(String), getValue(String)
    • getDuration

      public final Duration getDuration​(String name)
      Returns the value of a timespan field.

      This method can be used on fields annotated with @Timespan, and of the following types: long, int, short, char, and byte.

      It's possible to index into a nested object using "." (for example, "aaa.bbb").

      A field might change or be removed in a future JDK release. A best practice for callers of this method is to validate the field before attempting access.

      name - of the field to get, not null
      a time span represented as a Duration, not null
      IllegalArgumentException - if the field doesn't exist, or the field value can't be converted to a Duration object
      See Also:
      hasField(String), getValue(String)
    • getInstant

      public final Instant getInstant​(String name)
      Returns the value of a timestamp field.

      This method can be used on fields annotated with @Timestamp, and of the following types: long, int, short, char and byte.

      It's possible to index into a nested object using "." (for example, "aaa.bbb").

      A field might change or be removed in a future JDK release. A best practice for callers of this method is to validate the field before attempting access.

      name - of the field to get, not null
      a timstamp represented as an Instant, not null
      IllegalArgumentException - if the field doesn't exist, or the field value can't be converted to an Instant object
      See Also:
      hasField(String), getValue(String)
    • getClass

      public final RecordedClass getClass​(String name)
      Returns the value of a field of type Class.

      It's possible to index into a nested object using "." (for example, "aaa.bbb").

      A field might change or be removed in a future JDK release. A best practice for callers of this method is to validate the field before attempting access.

      name - of the field to get, not null
      the value of the field as a RecordedClass, can be null
      IllegalArgumentException - if the field doesn't exist, or the field isn't of type Class
      See Also:
      hasField(String), getValue(String)
    • getThread

      public final RecordedThread getThread​(String name)
      Returns the value of a field of type Thread.

      It's possible to index into a nested object using "." (for example, "").

      A field might change or be removed in a future JDK release. A best practice for callers of this method is to validate the field before attempting access.

      name - of the field to get, not null
      the value of the field as a RecordedThread object, can be null
      IllegalArgumentException - if the field doesn't exist, or the field isn't of type Thread
      See Also:
      hasField(String), getValue(String)
    • toString

      public final String toString()
      Returns a textual representation of this object.
      toString in class Object
      textual description of this object